


The UKQAA represents a wide range of organisations involved in the production, supply and use of coal and biomass ash. Our members include coal ash producers, hauliers, manufacturers and suppliers. We also represent end-users of coal ash products for both the private and the public sector including architects, designers and specifiers.

Similarly, our membership includes a small but growing number of biomass ash producers and users.

There are two tiers of membership – Full and Affiliate. For more information on who makes up our membership, click on their links.


The objective of the UKQAA is to promote the mutual interests of its members and to encourage the use of quality ash (defined as ash products derived from combustion plants, fuelled by pulverised coal, coal/biomass co-combustion or biomass) and ensure a long term sustainable supply chain and ongoing demand.

As a Trade Association, the UKQAA provides a vehicle for members to engage with public bodies and policy makers as well as acting as an interface with other national and international bodies sharing some or all of the UKQAA’s objectives.

The representatives of the members of the UKQAA undertake to comply with the requirements of the competition and bribery laws of the United Kingdom both during meetings of the UKQAA and at all other times. The Constitution and Rules of Membership may be found in the link below

UKQAA handbook rev 21st October 2020 November 2020 issue

For further reading:


We encourage anyone with an interest in coal ash and coal ash products to consider becoming a member of the UKQAA.

There are two categories of membership: Full Members and Affiliate Members. If you wish to become a member, please see the following information about the different types of membership and fill out one of our application forms.

Applicants for Full membership will also be required to give a short presentation to the Executive Committee about their interest in the UKQAA and their connections with the coal and biomass ash industry. We’ll then assess what level of membership would suit you best. Details of the rules and benefits of membership can be provided upon request.

If you would like to get in touch about becoming a member please fill out our contact form

Full Members

Full membership is for those who own and operate coal fired power stations or are ash managers who work on behalf of a coal fired power station.

For more information click here…Full  Membership information

Apply for UKQAA Membership online here…..

UKQAA Membership Application Form. 2019-20

Affiliate Members

Affiliate membership is for the suppliers and users of ash products including hauliers, suppliers and contractors in the construction industry. This group also includes companies that provide materials testing and processing services. Members in this group aren’t closely involved in the organisation but may still wish to be represented and share the resources available.

For more information click here…Affiliate Membership information

Apply for UKQAA Membership online here …….

UKQAA Membership Application Form. 2019-20