The Concrete Industry Sustainable Construction Strategy

The Concrete Industry Sustainable Construction Strategy

The UK concrete industry produces more than 100m tonnes of concrete each year and is a key target market for coal ash producers and suppliers.

The UKQAA is a member of the UK’s Sustainable Concrete Forum (SCF) which represent various suppliers and end users of concrete products. The forum encourages its members to uphold the aims of the Concrete Industry Sustainable Construction Strategy and apply a sustainable approach to the production of concrete products.

Through its own sustainability scheme, the Responsibly Sourced Materials Scheme, the UKQAA provides the forum with regular information on the sustainability of its products, which forms part of the forum’s Annual Performance Reports on sustainable sourcing within the concrete industry.

The forum’s overall strategy is to:

• Achieve a 90% reduction in waste to landfill by 2020 (from a 2008 baseline)
• Achieve a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions from concrete production by 2020 (from a 1990 baseline)
• Achieve a 95% of production certified to responsible sourcing standard BES 6001 by 2020
• Achieve a 100% of relevant production sites with action plans for site stewardship and biodiversity

More information about the Concrete Sustainability Strategy can be found at which contains the full Annual Performance Reports, plus information about various aspects of concrete production, sustainability and the environment.